Aaron C. Smith Ph. D. Statistics and Data Consulting

Fields supported:

business intelligence








Analytic core services include:

A/B testing, anomaly detection, ANOVA, association rules, Bayesian statistics, business intelligence, causal inference, causal modeling, churn analysis, crosstab analysis, data analytics, data mining, data science, data visualization, design of experiments, discrete choice, distribution modeling, DOE, estimation, exploratory analysis, factor analysis, geographic mapping, geospatial analysis, hierarchical linear modeling, hypothesis testing, linear programming, machine learning, MANOVA, matrix algebra, ML, multivariate analysis, multivariate, path analysis, psychometrics, quantitative methods, sampling theory, SEM, signal processing, statistical analysis, statistical methods, statistical modeling, survey analysis, survival analysis, time series, trends, significance testing, simulation

Supervised learning services include

CART, decision trees, ensemble models, error metrics, forecasting, generalized linear models, gradient boosting, hyper-parameter tuning, linear regression, logistic regression, machine learning, model validation, neural networks, pipeline, Poisson regression, predictive analytics, predictive modeling, random forest, regression analysis, scoring, supervised learning, train-validate-test, tree models

Unsupervised learning services include:

cluster analysis, clustering, segmentation, dimension reduction, PCA, principal component analysis, segmentation analysis, unsupervised learning

Text analytic services include:

bag-of-words, NLP, sentiment analysis, string manipulation, text analytics, topic modeling

Data core services include:

big data, data cleaning, data filtering, data integration, data manipulation, data modeling, data munging, data preparation, data pre-processing, data transformations, data wrangling, disparate data, joins, semi-structured data, structured data, unstructured data

Price of services:

Aaron charges $50-$100 per hour of work. The initial consultation is free of charge.

  • Less technical projects: $50 per hour

  • Intermediate technical projects: $75 per hour

  • Advanced technical projects: $100 per hour

The time of work includes obtaining the data, preparing the data, performing the analysis, preparing the results, and preparing the report.

Aaron offers the full-range of data and statistics support. Here are some of the ways we can help you with your project:

What do you get?

Aaron will deliver

  • a report,

  • data visualizations,

  • output data, and

  • source code.

The report will feature an

  • executive summary or abstract,

  • recommendations,

  • conclusions, and

  • analytics results.