What services do you offer?

Aaron offers data analytics, statistical analysis, psychometrics, and general data science consulting. Whatever your situation, Aaron will deliver the solution.

What type of business do you have?

The business is a proprietorship. It is registered with the Florida Division of Corporations.

Aaron Smith Ph.D. is the proprietor, and he is a Member of the Florida Chapter of the American Statistical Association.

ASA ID: 187438

Are initial consultations free?

Initial consultations are free. Let's talk data.

Contact Aaron: aaronsmith@statistics.ninja

What do I get when I hire Aaron?

Aaron will deliver

  • a report,

  • data visualizations,

  • output data, and

  • source code.

The report will feature an

  • executive summary or abstract,

  • recommendations,

  • conclusions, and

  • analytics results.

How big can the data be?

Aaron has experience working with big data.

For one project, there were 12 months of data, 3 data sets per month, over 3,000,000 rows of data per month. That is over 108,000,000 rows of data.

How is working with big data different than regular data?

There are two major issues when working with big data.

  1. Holding your data in your workspace.

  2. Computation time greatly increases.

Ways of dealing with big data (in this order):

  1. Writing efficient computer code.

  2. Choosing faster algorithms.

  3. Breaking up your data among multiple computers.

  4. Distributing tasks to multiple computers.

  5. Using more powerful computers.

Where is Aaron?

Aaron is based in the Orlando, Florida area. We have experience working with people all over the world. One project involved stakeholders in Utah, Italy, Namibia, and Australia.

My project is really complicated, can you solve it?

Yes! Aaron has a doctorate in mathematics and years of experience work in data.

How much do you charge?

Aaron charges $50-$100 depending on the details of the project.